Hawk HR enables the admin to create, assign and manage shifts. You can create new shift or can edit the already created shift. With the help of the settings that the admin has configured, the system will manage the shifts of the employees. Refer the steps below to create an attendance shift:
- Navigate to: Control panel -> Settings -> Attendance -> Shifts
- A new page will open up wherein, you need to fill in the following details.
- Code: Enter the code for the new shift in the Code field
- Title: Enter the title of the shift in the Title field
- Description: Please enter shift description in the Description field
- Timing: Please define the shift timings in 24 hrs format in the Timing fields
- Duration of the shift will be calculated and visible on the right hand side of the timing fields
- Default shift: To make the shift as a default shift select the checkbox Make this a default shift.
- Click on Show More, for defining weekend/half days on the shift basis, :
- Start of the Day: Enter the Start of the Day (It will define shift start of the day time, if attendance punched before this time then attendance will fall in previous day)
- Allowance: Enter the amount of Allowance, this feature is used if you want to give a separate amount on a special shift (E.g- extra Rs. 100 for night shift)
- Weekly Offs: Define Weekly offs for this shift (by selecting the day and then times in the month)
- You can add more weekly offs by clicking on +add, you can also delete it by clicking on delete option
- Half days: Define Half Days for this shift (by selecting the day and then times in the month)
- Break Hours: Define Break Hours time slots by selecting the slot start time and the slot end time
- You can add more break hour time by clicking on +add, you can also delete it by clicking on delete option.
Click on Save (to add the new shift), you can also click on Reset (to remove the added details)
A notification of successful adding of shift will be shown. The entry will be visible in the list of shifts (below in the page). The option of editing is also available under actions of the particular shift for further updating.
How to edit existing company shifts?
- Navigate to Control Panel->Settings->Attendance->Shifts.
- Here you will be able to see the list of existing company shifts (the lower section of the page)
- Click on Edit button against the shift you want to edit
- All necessary details related to shift will populate in the form above (the upper section of the page)
- Make the changes as desired.
- Click ‘Show More’ link to make changes to other settings
- Click Update button to save your changes.