Bulk upload attendance

Oct 31, 2019

HawkHR enables admin to upload attendance using CSV file. Importing Attendance allows you to quickly add attendance in the system in a CSV file with all of your attendance data. You can import attendance data in the three formats given. Sample CSV file are also given for your help, fill/ edit it as per your requirement and upload it. Attendance data will be uploaded into the system.

Admin can download the sample CSV file in the three formats given by the system :

  • Format-1 : Mark attendance based on Status This CSV file has headers EmployeeCode , EmailID , EnrollmentNumber, AttendanceDate , PunchTime , Source and Status.

  • Format-2 : Mark attendance based on Time In and Time Out This CSV file has headers EmployeeCode , EmailID , EnrollmentNumber, TimeIn and TimeOut.

  • Format-3 : Mark attendance based on Punch Time This CSV file has headers EmployeeCode , EmailID , EnrollmentNumber and AttendancePunchTime.

Refer to the following steps to bulk upload attendance:

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Attendance

  2. Click on Import (given in the page navigation bar), a new page will open up showing the fields to upload the attendances, read the instructions given toward the right side of page

  3. Click on the Download the sample CSV from the formats given by the system

  4. Edit the downloaded file (Additional details are given on the right hand side for guidance)

  5. Import Type: Select the Import Type (daily/ monthly)

  6. Upload the file by clicking on choose file

  7. Date format: Select the date format as mentioned in the uploaded file

  8. Click on Preview & Upload (to upload the file), option of Reset is also given (to erase the filed details)

  9. Down-scroll the page to map system fields against uploaded fields, click on Preview button to preview the uploaded field

  10. Click on Upload button to upload the field

Down-scroll the page to view the uploaded attendance, if any attendance got rejected, the reason of rejection will be shown under Reason column. All the changes will be made instantly.