Employees enrollment details

Oct 31, 2019

Enrollment details of the employee are the employee's info that is uploaded into the system at the time of onboarding of the employee. It holds the details such as employee code, enrollment no., email id, etc. Hawk HR enables admin to view and download employees enrollment details of an employee.

Refer to the following steps to view employees enrollment details:

  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Attendance

  2. Click on the drop down option of Import button, given in the page navigation bar

  3. Select the Enrollment option, a new page will open up showing the list of employees with their details

  4. Select the type of Employees (All employees/ Active employees/ Deactivated employees), click on Filter button

  5. You can click on the respective "employee code", to view the detailed page holding enrollment details of the employee

  6. You can Copy, Print or Download the document in .CSV format (the enrollment details)

All the changes will be made instantly.