Assign roster shifts

Oct 30, 2019

This feature enables admin to view/ assign shifts to employees in your organization quickly and in a timely manner. This module enables admin to track, manage and change the shifts of employees as and when needed. Shifts can also be assigned by importing the shift schedules. Sample CSV is provided for your help, fill it & upload and the shifts will be assigned to the employees.

Refer to the following steps to assign roster shifts:

  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Attendance

  2. Click on the drop down of Import button, given in the page navigation bar

  3. Select the option of Rosters

  4. A new page will open up showing roster shift of employees, select the employee from the list given below

  5. Click on Assign shift button

    1. A new dialogue box will appear asking for "shift selection" and the "effective date" from which it will be valid on

    2. Click on Assign button to assign the shift

A notification of successful assigning of roster shift will be shown.