How to Upload form-16 on Portal

Jun 06, 2023

Form 16 is essentially a certificate employer issue their employees. It validates the fact that TDS has been deducted and deposited with the authorities on behalf of the employee. Form 16 has two components Part A and Part B. Form 16 Part A needs to be downloaded from TRACES website while the Part B of Form 16 is to be generated by the employer. After generation of Part B, it has to be published in order to get downloaded by the employee.

Refer to the following steps to Upload form 16 Part A&B:

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Payroll -> Form 16
  2. Click on ^Upload button (given in the page action bar) to upload form 16 A&B for the employee.
  3. A new page will open showing fields to fill the details of Financial Year (Select the FY as per your required) ,Form-16 Type (select separately Part A or Part B), Upload file option.
  4. Note: Form-16 should be in below formats.
    PAN_Form16Partname_EmployeeName_Financial Year YYYY format.
    5. When Visible form-16 on portal than select all employees and Published by drown down option.