Exporting employees attendance

Oct 30, 2019

Exporting Attendance allows you to quickly generate and download a CSV file with all of your attendance data. You can save, print or use data from this file for keeping records or further reporting needs.

Refer to the following steps to export employee attendance:

  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Attendance

  2. Click on the drop down option of Import given on top right corner

  3. Select the Export option

  4. A new page will appear showing fields to be filled

  5. Attendance start date: Select Attendance start date

  6. Attendance end date: Select Attendance end date

  7. Details: Select department, designation and platform

  8. Employment type: Select the Employment type

  9. Select the Shift

  10. Select the respective Employee

  11. Format: Select the Format (total hours, status, punches, punches raw)

  12. You can also mark the check boxes whose date you want to be included in the CSV file

  13. Click on the Download option given on the bottom of the page

File will be downloaded instantly. All the changes will be made instantly.