Respond to leave credit requests

Oct 29, 2019

HawkHR allows you to approve leave credit (or compensatory off) requests of employees who worked on weekends/ holidays or to manage any extra leaves you would want to accommodate due to company's changing leave policies/ benefits.

The manager would get the option to approve/ reject leave credit requests of employees reporting to him, if and only if this setting is enabled by company admin (this can be enabled from Control Panel/ Settings/ Leaves and would be available if you have admin access to settings section).

Refer to the following steps to respond to leave credit requests:

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Leaves -> Employee

  2. Click on Credit requests option given on top right corner

  3. A new page will open up showing the list of requests

  4. You can Filter the list according to the options selected (e.g - Manager approved, Pending etc)

  5. You can Approve/ Reject or Delete any request

  6. On clicking on approve/reject option, a message box will show up asking for Comments

  7. Click on Approve/ Reject button

A notification will be shown of successful application/rejection of request. The processed entry will be removed from the list.