HawkHR enables admin to import leaves. It helps the admin to update the leaves of employees in bulk instead of manually doing one by one. Refer to the following steps for importing leaves:
Navigate to: Control panel -> Leaves -> Employee
Click on the drop down option of Apply leave button (given in the action bar), click on the Import option, a new page will open up showing fields to import leaves
Read the instructions for editing the file to be uploaded (given on the right hand side)
Click on Download the sample CSV file, edit the file and upload it
Select the Date format as given in the uploaded file (MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, MM-DD-YYYY, MMM DD, YYYY )
Click on Review and Upload (to upload after reviewing)/ Upload (directly upload), option of Reset is also given to remove the filled details
List of uploaded fields against system fields will be shown, you can also manually adjust the fields mapping
Click on Preview to preview the uploaded file, if any entry is rejected, the reason will be shown under Reason column
Click on Upload to upload the file
The file will be successfully uploaded. All the changes will made instantly.