Hawk HR enables super admin or admin (or someone who has the permission of settings module) to view subscription and invoice details. You can view current subscription details along with till date invoices generated as per the HRMS system.
How to check/view current subscription details? Or How to view invoice details?
- Navigate through Control Panel->Settings->Subscription.
- A new page will open with the current subscription details.
- There is also a list of proforma invoices generated till date given on this page. The details of these proforma invoices can be viewed by clicking on the order payment button (under the actions column).
- You can download the invoices by clicking on the “Download” button (under the actions column).
How to procure additional users
- Navigate through Control Panel->Settings->Subscription.
- A new page will open with the current subscription details.
- Click on the "Buy More" button
- Select the number of users and click on the green button
- A new page will open with the order payment details
- Scroll down and select payment method
- Add the details and click on Pay
Note: Once the payment is done, you can download the invoice by clicking on the “Download” button (under the actions column).