Adding Calendar

Nov 24, 2021

Hawk HR enables the admins to create a Holiday calendar basis which employee will be given Holidays.

Refer to the following steps to create a new holiday calendar:
  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Holidays
  2. Click on the drop down of Add Holiday there is a option for +Add Calendar
  3. Holiday Calendars - Define the title and description of the calendar
  4. Click on Add

Adding Holidays:

Once you have created a calendar, system will ask for Holidays that needs to defined in that specific calendar.

Adding one holiday at a time:

  • Holiday Name: Define the Holiday name in the field
  • Description: Add a description if needed, it is an optional field and can be kept blank if description is not required.
  • Holiday Date: Define the Holiday date
  • Holiday Type: This will reflect in case you have enabled Optional/Restricted holiday feature for your Hawk HR portal, This will allow you to define the Holidays as mandatory or optional. Click here to read more about Optional Holiday Management.

Adding Holidays in Bulk:

  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Holidays
  2. Under the section of Holiday Calendars, click on Edit(Under Actions) for the concerned calendar
  3. Click on Import
  4. A new page will open up showing fields to upload, read the instructions given toward the right side of page, click on the Download the sample CSV file
  5. Edit the file as per the format as given in CSV file
    1. Date format should be same throughout the file
    2. Allowed date format to be used in the file
      • MM/DD/YYYY
      • DD/MM/YYYY
      • MM-DD-YYYY
      • DD-MM-YYYY
      • MMM DD, YYYY
  6. Upload the file in the Upload File field
  7. Enter the Date format which is followed in the file
  8. Click on Review and Upload, in case you wish to review the entries that you wish to import in the system.
  9. While reviewing you have to match the System fields according to the Uploaded field
  10. Click on Preview to preview the file
  11. Click on Upload to upload the entries.

For assigning the Holiday calendar, please refer to the following link: Assignments