Optional Holiday Management

Nov 18, 2021

Hawk HR allows the admin to enable Restricted/Optional Holiday which can be availed by the employees.

Restricted/Optional holiday means a holiday that is optional, and it is the discretion of the employee whether they want to take leave on that particular day or not. Restricted holiday is also called an 'Optional Holiday' and it is not mandatory to close the entire office on that day

Enabling Optional / Restricted Holidays:

Please refer to the following steps to enable Optional Holiday for your Hawk HR portal:

  • Navigate to : Control Panel->Settings->Modules
  • Scroll down to MISCELLANEOUS Section
  • Check the box for Enable Restricted/Optional Holiday Module
  • Select the number of Optional Holidays allowed in a leave calendar year
  • Employment Type
    • In case, you wish to restrict Optional Holiday for an Employment Type, you can select that Employment type
  • Optional Holiday Approval Workflow
    • In case, you wish to enable an approval workflow for Optional Holiday.
  • Scroll down and click on Update

Define Optional / Restricted Holidays:

Restricted holidays can be defined only after the necessary module has been enabled as guided above. Following are the steps to define Restricted/Optional holidays:

  • Go to Control panel->Holidays.
  • Edit an Existing calendar or Add a new Calendar
  • Fill necessary details including Holiday Type(Optional/ Mandatory).
  • Click on Save button.