Apply leaves on behalf of employees (Admin level)

Oct 24, 2019

HawkHR enables admin to apply leaves on the behalf of employees. The leaves applied by the admin on the behalf of employees will be approved by default. Refer the following steps to apply leaves on behalf of employees:

  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Leaves -> Employees

  2. Click on Apply leave button (given in the page action bar)

  3. A new page will open up showing field to apply leaves, fields marked with asterisks are mandatory to fill

  4. The employee leave balances will reflected on the top (option will be visible only after selection of employee)

  5. Select the Employee on behalf of whom you want to apply the leave

  6. Select the Leave type

  7. Leave period: Choose the duration of the leave application

  8. Enter the Reason of applying leave and select the Leave status

  9. Click on Submit (to apply leave), option of Reset is also given (to remove the filled data)

All the changes will be made instantly. Notification of successful application of leave will be shown on top.