Employee onboardings

Oct 22, 2019

This feature enables admin to view assigned onboarding details. Admin also has an option to manage the tasks that need to be assigned to newly onboarded employee. He/ she can also create a new onboarding checklist.

Refer to the following steps to view assigned onboardings:

  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Employees -> Onboarding

  2. Click on Employee onboardings button (given in the page navigation bar), a new page will open up showing a list of onboardings with their respective details.

  3. Admin can search a particular employee or an onboarding by entering the respective name in Search field

  4. You can preview a particular onboarding of an employee by clicking on the preview icon in the Action column of the respective entry.

  5. You can also create a new onboarding checklist by the help of +Configure button (given in the page navigation bar)

  6. You can also manage the assigned tasks to the newly onboarded employees by the help of Task List button (given in the page navigation bar)

The changes will be made instantly.