This feature helps admin in managing of employees onboarding. It simplifies the onboarding procedure by easing the process of configuring and managing the employee onboarding. Admin can create a new onboarding checklist and can view the assigned onboardings. You can even create a task list, that includes the tasks that employee has to perform as a part of the onboarding procedure.
Refer to the following steps to manage onboarding:
Navigate to: Control Panel -> Employee -> Onboarding, the new opened page shows list of different onboarding processes
You can create an onboarding checklist by the help of Configure button (given under page navigation bar)
You can view assigned onboarding by the help of Employee Onboardings button (given under page navigation bar)
The list of different onboarding processes is shown in the tabular form, you can filter the entries by selecting the Department and Designation, you can even search a particular onboarding by the help of Search field
Admin can get a detailed view of the entry by clicking on Title of the respective onboarding, you can perform different actions on the entry with the help of icons given under Actions column such as:
Preview Onboarding: previews the demo onboardings
Trigger Onboarding: can trigger onboarding of employees
Tasks: view Pending tasks of employees
Edit: update steps to streamline on boarding process across organization
Delete: remove the particular onboarding process