Single Sign-on with Google or Office 365

Oct 28, 2020

The Hawk HR “sign-in with Google/ Office 365” feature available, allows you to access HRStop/Hawk Hr account using your Google account credentials or Office 365 credentials. You may see “Google+ Sign-In” and “Office 365” on the login screen using which you can easily log in to your HR portal account. You can use your Google / Office 365 username and password to sign in, instead of using your account email id and password. And don’t worry, its all secured.

Tip: You need to enable this feature on the path: Control Panel->Settings->Security->Enable ‘Google Apps Login’.

  • Google+ / Office 365 sign-in

To use Google+ / Office Sign-In, follow these steps:

  • Open your HR Portal website page to sign into.
  • Click the Google+ / Office 365 Sign-In button. If you don’t see the button, that may mean Google+ / Office 365 Sign-In isn’t enabled for your HR portal.
  • Enable it first from Control Panel->Settings->Security->Enable ‘Google Apps Login’.
  • If you aren’t already logged into Google+, enter your Google username/ email id and password. (If you are asked for your Google username/email id and password, that means you haven’t signed into your HR portal using Google+ Sign-In before and you are signing in for the first time. If you have, you will directly be redirected to your HR portal’s account.) Similarly for the Office 365 account.
  • Review the permissions screen. Give the app access to other information it requests.
  • Click Accept.

And you’ve signed in with respective Google / Office 365 account!