Employees details update in bulk via CSV

Oct 15, 2019

Hawk HR enables the super admin or admin with the permission of the employees' module to bulk update the employee details. When you use the Import option to bulk update the already existing employees, it updates all the information in the system, considering the newly imported information as the correct one.

Refer to the following steps to update employee in bulk

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Employee -> View and add

  2. Click on drop down next to +Add button (given in the page action bar), click on Bulk update button, a new page will open up with the option to bulk update employee records

  3. Click on Download the Sample CSV file, edit the details and upload it in Upload File field

  4. Add details to the CSV as per the headers defined in the downloaded CSV file.
    • Employee Code or Employee Email Id can be used as a unique identifier for updating the records.
    • Employee Codes or Employee Email Ids cannot be updated using this feature.
    • If an employee record/ data value is missing, the bulk import will not delete the entry from the system. This feature will only overwrite the values it finds for any columns.
    • Date format for all date columns needs to be same. Follow only a single convention. Use either dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy. The same needs to be selected in the system at the time of uploading the updated file.
    • You have the choice to delete any extra columns you do not wish to touch. Just make sure that mandatory columns like Employee Code/ Employee Email id are available in addition to columns that you wish to bulk update.

  5. Select the Date format (as given in the uploaded file)

  6. Click on Review & Upload/ Upload (to directly upload the file)

  7. Click on Preview button to preview the data

  8. Click on Upload button to upload the data


  • The system gives you the logs of all the processed records immediately so that you know the status of each processed record ( Accepted/ Rejected)

  • For rejected records, look at the “Reason” column and retry the process with the correct data/ format.