Hawk HR enables the Admin to add the employees in bulk. Instead of adding employees one by one, you can add multiple employees in a single go. Various options for customizing the configurations are also given along with the upload fields.
Refer to the following steps to add employees in bulk
- Navigate to: Control panel -> Employee -> View/ Add
- Click on drop-down of +Add button (given in the page action bar), select the Import option, new page will open up showing fields to upload employees using CSV file. Read the instructions given toward the right side of page.
- Down-scroll the page to click on Download Sample CSV file, fill all the required details and upload it in Upload File field
- Select the Date Format (as given in the uploaded file)
- For sending out the login credentials email to all newly added employees, mark the Send Notification check box
- For assign onboarding task to all newly added employees, mark the Trigger Onboarding check box
- For Not adding employee whose reporting manager is not found in the system, mark the Reporting Manager check box (add only if exists)
- For Not adding employee whose department is not found in the system, mark the Department check box (add only if exists)
- For Not adding employee whose designation is not found in the system, mark the Designation check box (add only if exists)
- Click on Review & Upload/ Upload (to upload the data), option of Reset is also available to remove the filled details
- Preview of system fields against uploaded fields will be available, you can also manually adjust it in case of mismatch by clicking on the drop down of the respective field
- Click on Preview to preview the data
- Click on Upload to upload it
The names of the newly added employees can be seen in the list of employees.