HawkHR enables admin to create a calendar. You can add new calendar events and can also edit an already added event. Refer to the following steps to add event in calander:
Navigate to: Control panel -> Calendar
Click on +Add New button (given in the page navigation bar)
A new page will open up showing fields to add calendar event
3. **Event Title**: Enter the name of the event in the **Event Title** 4. **Description**: Describe the event in the **Description** 5. **Venue**: Enter the name of **Venue** where event is going to take place 6. **Start Date** : Select the **Start Date** 7. **Start time**: Enter the **Start time** 8. **Ending date**: Select the **Ending date** 9. **Ending time**: Enter the **Ending time** 10. Click on **Create** (to create an event), option of **Reset** is also given (to remove the filled data)
The event will be created instantly and will be visible under calendar list (by clicking on All events). List of all events will be shown with their respective details, you can Edit/ Delete by the help of options given under Actions. The event will be visible to employees under (Main Panel -> Calendar).