Hawk HR enables the admin to add Memo/Notes against the employee, which once added will be visible to the reporting manager as well as the admin. The employee can also view the memo/notes added for them.
Adding Memo
- Navigate to: Control Panel -> Employees -> View/ Add
- A new page will open up showing list of employees of the company.
- Search the respective employee for whom you want to add the memo and click on the edit icon given under the action column of the respective employee
- The profile of the employee will open up, click on the Memo tab to add the memo in the system.
- Enter the Title, Description of the memo.
- Click on Add details button to add the memo/ Note, the option of Reset is also given to remove the filled details.
Note: The Memo added will be visible to the Reporting manager on the path: Main panel->My Team->All Memo. The reporting manager can edit the memo by clicking on edit option.
Make memos visible to employees
As an admin, you can enable the setting to make the memos visible to employees. Refer the below steps to do the same:
- Navigate to: Control Panel -> Settings -> Modules
- Scroll down to Employees
- Enable "Make memos visible to employees"
- The memos will start reflecting in employee's profile.
Note: The Memo added will be visible to the Employees on the path: Main panel->My Home-> Memos.
Adding Notes
- Navigate to: Control Panel -> Employees -> View/ Add
- A new page will open up showing list of employees of the company.
- Search the respective employee for whom you want to add the memo and click on the edit icon given under the action column of the respective employee
- The profile of the employee will open up, click on the Notes tab to add the notes.
- Enter the Title, Description of the Note.
- Click on Add details button to add the Note, the option of Reset is also given to remove the filled details.
Note: The Note added against the employee will be visible only to the admin.