Upload the employee's document

Feb 14, 2020

HRStop enables admin to upload the employee's document. The system also allows employees to upload his/ her required documents. Refer to the following steps to upload employee's documents:

  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Employee -> View/ Add
  2. Click on Documents button (given in the page navigation bar)
  3. A new page will open up showing field to be filled
  4. Employee : Select the Employee whose document is need to be uploaded
  5. Document Type: Select the Document Type
  6. Title: Enter the Title of the document
  7. Description: Enter the Description of the document
  8. Identification Number: Enter the Identification Number of the document
  9. Expiry Date: Enter the Expiry Date of the document (Uploaded/ verified)
  10. Document Status: Select the Document Status
  11. Tags: Enter the Tags
  12. For Publishing, mark the check box. By enabling this option uploaded document is visible to the selected employee.
  13. Select the file to be uploaded
  14. Click on Upload button (to add the details)/ Reset button (to erase the filled details)

The uploaded entry will be shown in the listed view, you can perform different actions on it as per options given under Actions.