HRStop enables admin to allow his/ her employees to request for attendance punches. After the respective setting is enabled, employees can request for punches. After the request is applied, it is sent to reporting manager/ admin for approval.
Navigate to: Control Panel -> Settings -> Attendance -> Configure
Downscroll the page to Enable 'Request Punch' by employee, enabling this option will allow employees to request for attendance punches in case they have missed Timing In/Out on any specific day. This option would be available to them in the self-services portal -> attendance section. They will be able to see it the next day whenever they have missed Time In/Out.
You can restrict employees to submit attendance justification requests for past days by marking the Restrict employees to submit attendance justification requests for past days check box
Downscroll the page to click on Submit button to save the changes
Now, the employees can apply for punch requests via Main Panel -> Attendance, click on drop-down of Request Attendance button, select the option of Request Punch. Here the employee can request punch for the respective day. Once the punches are applied, it will be forwarded to the reporting manager/ admin for approval.
In case of reporting manager, he/ she can approve/ reject the requests via Main panel -> Attendance, click on the Attendance Requests button, a list of applied requests will be shown. Once the reporting manager approves it, the status of the request will update to Manager approved.
Admin can approve/ reject the requests via Control Panel -> Attendance, click on the Attendance Requests button, a list of applied request will be shown. Once the admin approves it, the status of the request will update to Approved.