Surveys allow companies to gather information about their employee. Employee surveys are tools used by organizational leadership to gain feedback on and measure employee engagement, employee morale, and performance. Usually answered anonymously, surveys are also used to gain a holistic picture of employee's feelings on such areas as working conditions, supervisory impact, and motivation that regular channels of communication may not.
Hawk HR enables admin to add a survey in the system. Once the survey is added, admin can trigger to survey the employees. Once triggered, admin will not be able to make any changes in the triggered survey.
Refer to the following steps to add a survey:
Navigate to: Control Panel -> Engagement -> Survey, click on the +Add button (given in the page navigation bar), a new page will open up showing fields to create new survey
Enter the Name of the survey
Describe the survey in the Description field
Mark the check box to select the Participants, if you want to select a particular employee, down-scroll the list and select the employee
Click on Save button to save the survey, option of Reset is also available to remove the filled data
Notification of successful creation of survey will be shown towards the top. Now click on the Questions tab, to add the questions.
To add the questions:
Click on the Questions tab, enter the questions title
Select the Type of the question
Enter the options A, B, C, D, E
Click on Save button to save the question in the following survey, option of Reset is also available to to remove the filled data.
You can add more questions by repeating the steps of adding the questions. Click on All Survey button (given in the page navigation bar) to view list of created surveys.