Adding an asset in bulk

Oct 13, 2019

Hawk HR enables the admin to define the assets of the company with its detailed description. Admin can add, assign or request return of the asset. Admin can also manually add the assets one by one. Refer to the following steps to add an asset in bulk:

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Assets
  2. Click on the drop-down of +Add button (given in the page action bar), click on the Import option, a new page will open up showing fields to upload the assets
  3. Read the instructions given towards the right side of the page
  4. Click on Download Sample CSV file
  5. Edit the file according to your requirements and upload it in the Upload File field
  6. Select the Date Format as given in the uploaded file
    • Date format should be same throughout the file
    • Allowed date format to be used in the file
      • MM/DD/YYYY
      • DD/MM/YYYY
      • MM-DD-YYYY
      • DD-MM-YYYY
      • MMM DD, YYYY
  7. Click on Review and Upload/ Upload (direct upload), option of Reset is also available (to remove the filled data)
  8. Option of mapping the system fields against the uploaded fields will be available, click on Preview to preview the uploaded data
  9. Click on Upload button to upload the file

If any entry gets rejected the reason of rejection will be shown under Reason column. You can assign, edit, copy, remove the entry by the help of icons given under Actions column.