Managing tickets

Jan 22, 2020

A ticket is a tool by which employee raises a query in the system which gets assigned to a respective one (as per the ticket's category). Employee can only raise the tickets that belonging to a category, created by the admin. Hawk HR enables admin to manage ticket by the help of various options provided by the system.

Refer to the followings steps to manage tickets

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Helpdesk, a new page will open up showing a list of tickets raised by the employees

  2. The top section of the mange shows the counts of different types of types (All/ Opened/ Answered/ Overdue/ Resolved/ Closed), select the type of tickets you want too view by clicking on the respective count

  3. You can also filter the tickets by Category, Priority, Raised by, Assigned to and Duration

  4. All the entries are shown in a listed view with the respective details about Subject, Category, Priority etc., you can mark the tickets as Resolved and Closed by the help of icons given under Status column

  5. Admin can also raise a ticket on the behalf of employees by clicking on the Raise Ticket button (given in the page action bar)

  6. Admin can configure and manage the categories of the tickets by clicking on the Manage Category button (given in the page navigation bar)

  7. You can respond to a ticket by clicking on the ticket number of a particular ticket, a new page will open up showing the details of the ticket

    • You can enter the response or choose a canned response for the particular issue

    • In case, you want to respond with the file, system allows you to choose and upload a file

    • Click on Reply to send the response, down-scroll to view the sent response on top of the last conversation.

    • You can also change the status of ticket, you can also add response as internal notes for your help by clicking on Add Internal Notes instead of Reply button (after entring the response)