
Jan 13, 2020

When an employee is onboarded in a company, he/ she is assigned various tasks as part of the onboarding procedure for example biometric configuration, asset getting assigned, etc. Tasklist enables admin to manage the tasks assigned to the employees as it shows the list of tasks with their respective statuses and priorities of all the onboarded employees. When an employee is assigned the task, the supervisor of task is referred as 'owner'. Tasklist also shows the entries with their owner names making it easier for admin to know "under whom the task has been assigned".

Refer to the following steps to manage the task list

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Employee -> Onboarding, click on the Employee Onboardings button (given in the page navigation bar), click on Task List button (given in the page navigation bar)

  2. A new page will open up showing list of employees with assigned tasks

  3. You can filter the results by employee and owner

  4. Entries are shown with their respective details of Priority, Owner, Due in and Status

  5. You can even mark the pending tasks as submitted by the help of submit icon given under Action column, you can also do this action in bulk by marking the entries and clicking on thedrop down of Action button and selecting Submit option