Configure Onboarding

Jan 09, 2020

Configure Onboarding helps the admin in configuring the onboarding workflow for the newly added employee. This step is very significant for the admin, as this offers the very first introduction of the company to the employees. Hawk HR enables the admin to configure different onboarding workflows for different sets of employees. You can also efficiently manage the tasks assigned to them as a part of the onboarding workflow. The system helps you in creating a step-by-step procedure to streamline the onboarding process across the organization.

Refer to the following steps to configure onboarding workflow:

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Employee -> Onboarding
  2. Navigate to the Onboarding Workflow dropdown (at the top right) and click on the +Create Workflow, a new page will open up showing fields to configure onboarding steps.
  3. Enter the Title, Description, Department, Designation, Location, Entity, and Default Buddy for whom you want to configure the onboarding.
  4. Scroll down to Configure Workflow Steps, this section will help you in creating the onboarding steps.
  5. Click on the Introduction tab, this will be the first step in the onboarding process. Enter the Title and Content.
  6. Click on the Employee Info tab, enter the Title, Description, Duration (to complete the task in days), and select the applicability to (Anyone/ Employee/ Admin)
  7. If Admin is selected, the onboarding step will be assigned to Admin only.
  8. Select the respective onboarding step as Individual/Sequential to make the step mandatory.
  9. Scroll down to configure the To do's, these are the tasks that the newly onboarded employee has to perform as a part of the onboarding procedure.
  10. Click on the + icon/button to add more steps in the respective onboarding workflow.
  11. Click on the Save button (towards the bottom of page) to save the configurations.

Tip: you can view the list of created onboardings by clicking on the Onboarding Workflows (at the top right)