HawkHR enables admin to add news for company. Admin can customize the news options according to his/ her needs. News can be added and saved into the system, and can be published in future as per the requirements. Refer to the following steps to add news:
Navigate to: Control panel -> News & Broadcast -> News
Click on +Add New
A new page will appear showing fields for adding news for company
Enter the Title
Enter the Description of news in the content box
Upload the file by clicking on browse option
Mark the check box to Publish the news (unmark it, in case of not publishing it)
Click on Save button to save the news, option of Reset is also available, to remove the filled data
Your entry will appear instantly in list given on Menu -> News & Broadcast -> News. You can publish/unpublish, edit, remove the entry by the help of options given under Actions option. After the news is published, it will be visible to employees under Main panel -> Dashboard under News tab)