Hawk HR enables employees to submit time sheet to his/ her reporting manager via "weekly view" and "daily view". In the following article we discuss about daily view. Daily view offers a detailed time sheet, this option when enabled, gives a complete detail of the work done on a daily basis. Based on the different options defined by the company admin, different time sheet headers show up.
Refer to the following steps to submit the time sheet by an employee by daily view:
- Navigate to: Main panel -> Time sheet -> Submit
- Click on the Daily View button (given in the page action bar)
- A new page will open up showing fields to fill the time sheet with complete description, enter the Title, Description, Hours for a selected Project (Note: Hours must be in 24 hour format)
- To add your work details for multiple projects, click Add Row button and a new row will open up allowing you to add more details
- Employee can save the draft by clicking on the Save button and can submit for approval to his/ her reporting manager by the help of Submit for Approval button
Once submitted, user will not be able to re submit/ update the time sheet for this week. User can also fill in the time sheet for previous days by changing the date. Hawk HR also provides an option of Summary view for better tracking of overall progress in a month. All the changes will be made instantly.