PF in payroll

Dec 03, 2019

Provident Fund is normally the 12% of the employees salary. It is declared by both Employee as well as Employer side. In case of any manual changes, admin can go to PF settings.

For configuring PF in payroll, you have to add the predefined PF component from the different options given under the drop down of the Statutory Components of the Salary template, and there after it will be automatically calculated and deducted from employee salary and will also be included under 80C. Make sure to configure the payroll setting under Statutory Info in Control Panel -> Settings -> Payroll.

For configuring PF in payroll:

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Payroll -> Salary Template

  2. Click on the edit icon of the respective salary template

  3. Click on Next to get on the section of Pay components

  4. Down scroll to come to the section of Statutory Components

  5. Select the option from the drop down of the field

  6. Select the Pay Frequency and the Visibility, click on Next to finish the processes

All the changes will be made instantly.