For managing admin permissions

Dec 02, 2019

This features allows you to define users/ administrators who will be able to login to Control Panel and manage the administrative tasks. You may choose to give complete administrative access of all modules to an admin or can restrict/ limit the access to even a single module. To select multiple module permissions for an admin, use 'Control + click on Permission name' and select multiple permissions.

Refer to the following steps to manage admin permissions:

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Settings -> Security

  2. A new page will open up showing fields showing fields to configure security settings

  3. Down scroll the page to come to the section of Admin Permissions

  4. You can assign permissions by selecting the Employee and then selecting the Permissions (select 'All' for giving all the permissions)

  5. Click on Submit button to assign the permissions, option of Reset is also given (to remove the filled information)

  6. The list of entries with assigned permission is shown in the tabular form (you can edit, remove an entry by the help of icons given under Actions column)

All the changes will be made instantly.