HawkHR enables us to publish and regenerate/generate the payslip for the payroll and also reflect the changes made in the format of the payslip. Payslips will only be produced after the admin have processed the payroll of the respective employees. If there is any change in the information (of either employee or employer side), the admin need not have to process the payroll again to generate the payslip, he can simply regenerate the payslip from Control Panel -> Payroll -> Payrolls.
Refer to the following steps to publish the payroll:
- Navigate to: Control Panel -> Payroll -> Payrolls
- A new window opens up showing list of employees whose payroll have been processed under Payslips/ Paystubs tab,
- Click on the publish icon of the respective employee under Actions column
- You can also publish the payslip in bulk by selecting the employees and clicking on drop down of Bulk Actions and selecting the Publish option.
Once published the employee can download the payslip by clicking on Main Panel -> Compensation -> My Compensation. All the changes will be made instantly. You can also regenerate the payslips by clicking on the regenerate icon under Actions column.
Additionally, if you have multiple entities, you'll need to update the address in the Multi-Company section and regenerate the Payslip. For guidance, please refer to the following article.
Link: https://hawkhr.thedocs.in/Admin/990/Change-the-Address-for-Multi-Company
1. It may take around 5-10 minutes to update the information after regenerating the payslip. Please wait patiently for the changes to take effect.
2. Admin can also regenerate the payslips by Control Panel -> Payroll -> Payslips/ Paystubs, by the help of the regenerate icon given against the employee's name.