Upload Payslips

Nov 30, 2019

HawkHR allows the admin to upload the payslips directly into the system instead of processing the payroll. Make sure you have created the salary template and have already assigned it to the employees. Once the employees have been assigned with the salary template, you can upload the payslip into the system.

Refer the steps below to upload payslips in the system:

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Payroll -> Payslips/ Paystubs

  2. Click on Import button (given in the page action bar). A new page opens up showing fields to upload the payslips

  3. Click on Download Sample CSV file , a .CSV file will be downloaded

  4. Edit it and upload it in Upload File field

  5. Choose the Date Format as given in the .CSV file

  6. In order to Generate payslip, mark the check box

  7. Select the Payroll Month

  8. Select the Payroll Duration

  9. Choose the respective Component

  10. Click on Upload button to upload the file, option of Reset is also given to remove the filled details

Now once the file has been uploaded, all the payslips will be uploaded. Click on Control Panel -> Payroll -> Payrolls, now click on the option Publish payrolls to show to the employees for the specific month. The employees can view the payslip by clicking on Main Panel -> Compensation -> My compensation.

Note: Admin can also bulk upload the payslips by Control Panel -> Payroll -> Payrolls, by the help of Import button (given in the page action bar).