Download Investment declaration at Admin level

Nov 30, 2019

HawkHR enables admin to download Investment declaration of the employee. The system allows you to download the Investment declaration of the employee in various ways:

Refer the steps to Download Investment declaration at Admin Level (in CSV format):

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Payroll -> Investments

  2. Click on the drop down of Filter button (given towards the middle of the page), a new page will open up showing fields to fill the details

  3. Select the Financial Year of which investment declarations you want to download

  4. Select the Status (All/ Submitted/ Rejected...), this determines the type of entries to be downloaded

  5. Select the Type of the detailing in the file (Summary/ Detailed)

  6. Click on Export button to download the file

The file having investment declaration details will be downloaded in the CSV file format.

Refer the steps to Download Investment declaration at Admin Level (in Pdf format):

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Payroll -> Investments

  2. A new page opens up where click on the employee code of the employee and click on the option Form12BB button (given in the navigation bar), a new page opens up where click on Download button (given in the action bar), the pdf format file will be downloaded for the employee investment.

Similarly, follow the steps above and download the investment for the other employees. All the changes will be made instantly.