How to manage bonus

Nov 29, 2019

Hawk HR allows you to add the bonus for which the employees are entitled according to the policy of the organization policies. The bonus can be made in advance with the automatic selection of the period as well as manual selection for a particular period.

Refer to the following the steps below to trigger the bonus for the employees:

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Payroll -> Bonus
  2. A new page opens up where you can enter the bonus details:
  3. Enter the Title of the bonus
  4. Select the Employee for whom Bonus is to be added
  5. Select the Credit mode:
    1. Automatic allows you to add the bonus for a specified period. The payment will be credited according to the pay frequency defined.
      1. Pay frequency option is available if you choose automatic as a credit mode. You can specify the frequency of the payment as Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly.
    2. Manual option allows you to add the bonus for the employee for a specific month in future with a predefined amount. You can enter the amount to be paid to the employee as a bonus in a specific month and disburse the same when the payroll for the month is processed.
      1. Disbursed Amount option is available when the Manual is selected as a credit mode. You have to specify the amount to be paid as the bonus to the employee.
      2. Payroll Month is the month in which the bonus will be added up in the salary when processed for the month.
      3. Select the Transaction Status (Pending/ Paid)
  6. Bonus period is the period specified for the which the bonus is entitled
  7. Bonus Entitled is the amount the employee will be paid after the company policy comes into hand
  8. Payout Period is the period on which the bonus will be paid
  9. You can add additional information in the Notes section so as to refer in future
  10. Click on Save button to trigger the bonus

The Bonus added will be enlisted in the list below in the table. You can make changes to the active bonus and change the payout period as well as the amount by clicking on the Edit icon under the Actions Column. You can also bulk upload the bonuses by clicking on the Import Bonus button (given in the action bar).