Training emphasis the effective use of technology with the ensurance of competitive edge in the market. To encapsulate the expansive development as an easy method, Hawk HR allows you to update the training as per the requirement,thereby enhancing employee growth and their future performance, rather than immediate job role.
HawkHR enables admin to add, schedule and manage employee's training. Make sure to Enable Training Module (Settings -> Modules).
Refer the steps below to create new training:
Navigate to: Control panel -> Training
Click on +Create New button (given in the page action bar) to create new training
A new page will open up showing fields to add training details, (fields marked with asterisks are mandatory to fill)
Click on Configure tab, to enter the configuration details
Enter the Title, Description and Venue
Select the Session date and time (option of adding, deleting session is also given)
Enter the Prerequisite
Select the Training Materials (option of +Add more is also given)
Select the Trainer (option of adding a new trainer is also given) (if the seats are limited, mark the check box Seats, also enter the number of limited seats)
Select the Training type (Open/ Nominated)
Select the Eligible Participants
To Allow manager to nominate employee for training, mark the check box
To Send notification to employees, mark the check box
Click on Submit (to submit the filled data), option of Reset is also available to reset the filled details
Click on Employee feedback form tab, to configure the feedback form (this is the Feedback form filled by the employee)
Click on Trainer feedback form tab, to configure the feedback form (this is the Feedback form filled by the trainer)
Click on Effectiveness form tab, to configure the effectiveness form (this is the effectiveness form for the training) (after entering Title, Description, you can add the questions, click on Save)
The entry will be added in the training list. To view the training list, click on Trainings button (given in the page navigation bar). All the added entries will be shown in tabular form. You can edit, delete or send notification to employees for an entry by the help of icons given under Actions column.