Employee profile

Nov 17, 2019

HawkHR enables admin to manage employee display and access on their profile. Refer to the following steps to configure employee's profile:

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Settings -> Employee

  2. A new page open up showing fields to manage employee's profile settings

  3. The fields of the top section focuses on customization of control that employees would have on their data updates

  4. Option of enabling or disabling of Optional Fields is given

  5. To Allow profile updates through Employee Self Services Portal (Mark the radio button)

  6. To Allow profile updates through Employee Self Services Portal based on approvals (Mark the radio button)

  7. To Lock employee profile (Mark the radio button)

  8. To Partial lock employee profile (Mark the radio button)

  9. Option of Locking the fields is also available

  10. Down scroll to come the section of Employee Skills, here select the approval type and proficiency scale for employee skills

  11. Down scroll to come to the section of Employee Search, select fields which you want to show on employee search

  12. Click on Update button to update the filled data

  13. Down scroll to the section of Document Category, list of different documents are shown in a tabular form, it helps you to manage all document categories for your company, you can add,edit or delete an entry with the help of options given under Actions column

All the changes will be made instantly.