HawkHR enables admin to configure time sheet module.
Navigate to: Control panel -> Settings -> Modules
Down scroll to come to the section of Enable Time Sheet Module
Mark the check box to Enable Time Sheet Module (If this module is enabled, admins will be able to define company projects and assign it to the employees. The employees will then be able to submit the details of what they worked on for the day. Managers will be able to approve/ reject the same or update working hours if required. This gives a good insight on the time spent on each project and the cost of the same to the company)
For configuring timesheet exception for your company, click on Configure timesheet exceptions
A new page will open up showing fields for configuring the exception
For configuring exception department wise, select the Department, click on Save
The entry will be available in the table below the respective selection field, the entry can be deleted by the help of option given under Action
For configuring exception Designation and Employee wise, the same process follows
Mark the check box to Make detailed time sheet mandatory (If this is enabled, the employees will have to submit the details of the work on a daily basis instead of summarized weekly timesheets. In this case, the employees will have to give the full details of all the activities they are doing and the actual work hours spent in the activity)
Mark the check box to Capture Start/End time
(If this option is enabled, the employees are required to mandatorily fill the time when they started with an activity and when it ended instead of just giving the number of hours spent)Mark the check box to Enable Clients (This option allows you to add your clients in the system and map them to the respective projects. This will help you to determine the client billing)
Mark the check box to Enable Project Tasks (This option allows the admin to define tasks corresponding to a project. This would prompt employees to opt for the necessary task from the list of available tasks when they submit timesheets for a project)
Mark the check box to Restrict employees to fill timesheets after selected days (If enabled, the employees will not be able to fill their timesheets selected days after the actual date)
All the changes will be made instantly.