Import Appraisal

Nov 12, 2019

Appraisal would mean any change in salary component for the employee or actual increment in the salary. Hawk HR enables admin to bulk import appraisals for the employees. Instead of uploading one by one admin can bulk upload appraisal by the help of import option.

Refer to the following steps for importing appraisal:

  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Payroll -> Appraisal

  2. Click on Import button (given in the page action bar), a new page of open up showing fields to import appraisals, read the instructions given towards the right side of the page

  3. Click on Download the Sample CSV file update it according to your requirement

  4. Upload File : Upload it in the Upload File

  5. Date Format: Select the Date Format as given in the uploaded file

  6. Click on Upload to upload the file, option of Reset is also available to clear the filled details

All the changes will be made instantly.