Assign salary template

Nov 11, 2019

Hawk HR enables admin to assign salary template to employees. You can assign salary template to new joiners/ unassigned employees. System also allows admin to reassign a salary template to already assigned employees (but the earlier assigned template will be removed).

Refer to the following steps to assign salary template:

  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Payroll -> Salary template, this page will have a list of different salary templates available in the system, you can assign different templates to different teams according to the requirements.

  2. You can directly manage employees for a template by clicking on the icons under Actions column of the respective template

  3. The newly opened page shows a list of Existing Employees For This Salary Template

  4. Get on to the section of Add More Employee For This Salary Template

  5. Mark the employees whom you want to assign this template

  6. Click on Submit button to assign the template

All the changes will be made instantly.

Salary template can also be assigned to employees via different methods:

  • Method 1: Control panel -> Payroll -> Salary template, down scroll the page to view the list of employees who have not been assigned any salary template, click on Assign Salary Template and select the template to be assigned

  • Method 2: Control panel -> Payroll -> Employee Salary, on this page, you can assign, update and view salary for employees

  • Bulk Assign: Control panel -> Payroll -> Salary template, you can import assign salary template by the help of Bulk Assign button (given in the page action bar)