HawkHR enables admin to upload audited updates using CSV file. Audited updates are recorded in time and are shown in Employee's historic profile. Change in department, designation, transfers can be done from here so that you can see the historic record. Hawk HR enables admin to bulk import the audited updates. Admin can also edit the audited updates individually.
Refer to the following steps to import audited updates:
- Navigate to: Main Panel -> Employee -> Audited updates, a new page will open up, click on the Import button (in page action bar)
- Read the instructions given towards the right side of page, click on the Download Sample CSV file
- Update the file with the changes and upload it in Upload File field
- Select the Date format (as given in the CSV file)
- Click on Review and Upload/ Upload (for directly uploading), Reset option is also available (to remove the filled details)
- The uploaded fields will be mapped against the system fields
- Click on Preview button to preview the data uploaded
- Click on Upload to upload the file
- If any entry gets rejected, the reason of rejection will be shown under Reason column
All the changes will be made instantly.