Hawk HR enables admin to upload the employee's document. The system also allows employees to upload his/ her required documents. Refer to the following steps to upload employee's documents:
- Navigate to: Control panel -> Employee -> View/ Add
- Click on Documents button (at the top right)
- A new page will open up showing necessary fields given:
- Employee: Select the Employee whose document is need to be uploaded
- Document Type: Select the Document Type
- Title: Enter the Title of the document
- Description: Enter the Description of the document
- Identification Number: Enter the Identification Number of the document (If requires).
- Expiry Date: Enter the Expiry Date of the document (If requires).
- Document Status: Select the Document Status as Uploaded/Verified
- Select the respective file to be uploaded
- Tags: Enter the Tags
- For Publishing (enable the check box) (By enabling this option uploaded document is visible to the selected employee)
- Click on Upload button (to add the details)/ Reset button (to erase the filled details)
The uploaded entry will be shown in the listed view, you can perform different actions on it as per options given under Actions.