Import Project Assignment

Nov 05, 2019

HawkHR enables admin to bulk assign the projects. Instead of assigning one by one, admin can bulk import the project assignment data. Refer to the following steps to Import Project Assignment:

  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Time Sheet

  2. Click on the drop down of Manage project (given in the page navigation bar), select the option of Assign project, a new page will open up showing fields to import project assignment

  3. Click on the Import button (given towards the bottom of the page) to bulk update the projects assigned data

  4. Click on Download the sample CSV file, a .CSV file will be downloaded

  5. Edit the details of CSV file and upload it

  6. Click Review and Upload/ Upload (for directly uploading), option of Reset is also available (to remove the filled data)

  7. Preview the mapped fields by clicking on preview

  8. Click on Upload button to upload the file

All the changes will be made instantly.