HawkHR provides admin option of activating expense report module. Only after enabling this module, admin and employees can use this feature in the system. The feature offers a flexible and easy approach for managing the expense report for whole company. Different options for assigning the authorities to directly admin/ via reporting manager is given.
Refer to the following steps to enable expense report module:
Navigate to: Control panel -> Settings -> Module
This newly opened page will show the different Enable/ Disable modules
Down scroll to come to the option of expense report module
Enable Expense Report Module: To Enable Expense Report Module, mark the check box. Activating this will enable expense module.
Integrate it with Payroll: If enabled, whenever the payroll is run, all the approved expenses for an employee will be added to his salary slip
Enable requested expense approval: mark the check box to Enable requested expense approval by the manager and the status on approval should be (Approved/ Manager approved)
- In case, the status Approved is selected, the manager as well as the admins will have the authority to approve the expense, if Manager approved then manager will be doing the first level of approval and the admins would be the approval authority
To enable Project (Mandatory/ Optional)
Click on Manage projects to manage the projects
A new page will appear showing list of company projects
For adding new project, enter Title, Status, Description, Modules
Click on +Add project (to add the new project)/ reset option is also given ( to ease the filed details)
The entry will be updated in the list with details of modules, duration, status
Different actions can be performed on the entry by the icons given under Actions column
Select the Columns from the given options:
Category (This will allow reporting manager/admin to define different categories in the system, on the basis of which expenses can be raised)
Do you want to impose limits (Activating this will impose limits on categories. If this setting is enabled then admin/reporting manager can define entitlement values for each category in 'Units' or 'Amount', by choosing one of them)
Customer ('Customer' column will appear while creating an expense report. Allows employees to specify/mention the customer name, regarding whom the expenses were raised)
Claimed Amount (In this case 'Expense Amount' is the amount incurred while 'Claimed Amount' is amount which employee wants to claim)
Click on Update button (towards the bottom of the page) to add the changes
Notification of successful updating of module will be shown.