HawkHr enables admin to manage the roster rules. You can also define new roster rules. Refer to the following steps to manage the roster rules:
Navigate to: Control panel -> Settings -> Attendance -> Roster rules
A new page will open up showing list of roster rules (If already created)
You can also add a roster rule by clicking on the +Add option given on the right hand side
A new page will appear with the field to define new roster rules
Select the Applicable shift from the given options
Start date: Enter the start date
Repetition: Enter the frequency of repetition (One Time/ Repeat after every selected day)
Expiry Date: Enter the Expiry Date
Shift Order: Select the Shift Order
You can also select the default shift
Click on Save to save the changes, click on option of Roster rules to view the list of rules
Search box: You can search the entry in the Search box, in the previous page.
Edit/ delete: This option allows you to manage the roster shift created. (Edit/ Delete is available under actions)
Details of tenure, shift, recurring status, status of the entry is available (if you have already added the roster rule)
All the changes will be made instantly.