HawkHR enables admin to configure attendance settings, different fields are given specific customization as per your requirement, admin can also allow reporting managers with some of the authorities to manage the employees working under them. Refer to the following steps for configuring the attendance module:
Navigate to: Control panel -> Settings -> Attendance -> Configure
The newly opened page will show different module enabling options
Enable Attendance Module (mark the check box): Checking this option will enable the attendance module in the portal and the employees attendances will start getting captured. If unchecked, you will not be able to use any form of attendances in the portal)
Disable Web based attendance (mark the check box): Activating this will disable the web attendance in the portal. This will also hide the top header TimeIn and TimeOut buttons)
Enable IP based restrictions (mark the check box): Activating this will show/ hide the top header TimeIn and TimeOut buttons based on allowed IP. If this setting is activated, then the user cannot mark TimeIn and TimeOut from web other than allowed IP)
Disable Mobile based attendance (mark the check box): Activating this will disable the attendance via HawkHR's mobile app. This will hide the attendance punch button from the mobile application so that employees can not punch from there
Enable Roster Shifts (mark the check box): Checking this will enable managing Roster Shifts. This will allow the admins to rotate the shifts/ manage shifts cards for the employees across the organization
Enable Attendance Unit (mark the check box): Activating this will enable attendance unit feature. By this you can define the number of unit for a attendance status
Enable Sandwich rules (mark the check box): Week Off, Holidays IN BETWEEN Absents/ Holidays AFTER Absent/ Holidays BEFORE Absent/ holidays at the beginning of the month/ holidays at the end of the month
Enable 'Justify' punch by employee (mark the check box): Enabling this option will allow employees to justify themselves when they come late to office or leave early on any specific day. This option would be available to them in the self-services portal > attendance section. They shall be able to see it the next day whenever they are late to office or left early
- Restrict attendance justification request for past selected days (mark the check box)
Enable 'Request Punch' by employee (mark the check box): Enabling this option will allow employees to request for attendance punch in case they have missed Timing Out on any specific day. This option would be available to them in the self-services portal > attendance section. They shall be able to see it the next day whenever they have missed Time Out
Enable requested punch approval by manager and the status on approval should by selected option (mark the check box); This option will allow managers to approve the punches requested by employees directly reporting to them and thus help in attendance regularization. In case, the status Approved is selected, the manager as well as the admins will have the authority to approve the punch. However with status Manager Approved, the manager will the first point of approval and the admins would be the approval authority.
Restrict Attendance punch request approval by manager to selected request per month (mark the check box)
Restrict Attendance onduty approval by manager to selected request per month (mark the check box)
Restrict Attendance over late justify request approval by manager to selected request per month (mark the check box)
Restrict Attendance late justify request approval by manager to selected request per month (mark the check box)
Restrict Attendance early left justify approval by manager to selected request per month (mark the check box)
Restrict Attendance total time justify request approval by manager to selected request per month (mark the check box)
Enable overtime approval to Manage overtime of the employee (mark the check box)
Enable Overtime approval by manager and the status on approval should be (approved/ manager approved)
Deduct break hours on Total Time (mark the check box); This option will deduct the total break hours time on attendance total time)
Enable attendance rules based on shift (mark the check box); This option will allow configuring the attendance rules based on the shifts. Each shift will have the option to specify its own attendance rules) (this setting is applicable for elite plane companies only)
Daily automatic attendance calculation (mark the check box); This option will calculate the attendance automatically based on configured attendance rules everyday) (this setting is applicable for elite plane companies only)
Define Weekly offs for your company. For this, you need to select the week day (from left menu below) and select the instances when it will be off (right section below). To add multiple weekly offs, click on Add Row button.
Also mention the number of weekly offs ( by marking the check box), you can add/ delete rows.
Click on Submit for updating the changes
Notification of successful updating of attendance settings will be shown.