HawkHR enables the admin (anyone with the permission of settings module) to define the IP addresses they want, as the only IP addresses from which the web attendance would be allowed to be marked in the system. To do this follow the given steps.
Navigate to: Control panel -> Settings -> Attendance -> Configure
The newly opened page will show only attendance module enabling options
Enable Attendance Module: Check that the option of Enable Attendance Module must be marked on the top of the page (Checking this option will enable the attendance module in the portal and the employees attendances will start getting captured. If unchecked, you will not be able to use any form of attendances in the portal)
Enable IP based restrictions: To Enable IP based restrictions (given under Disable Web based attendance), mark the check box (Activating this will show/ hide the top header TimeIn and TimeOut buttons based on allowed IP. If this setting is activated, then the user cannot mark TimeIn and TimeOut from web other than allowed IP)
Manage Allowed IP: For managing allowed IP addresses for web attendance, click on Manage Allowed IP
A new page will open up showing list of allowed IPs
To add the new IP address, enter the IP address in the given field
Click on the option of Add IP
The list will be updated with the new entry
You can also delete the previously added IPs by clicking on the delete option under Actions
All the changes will be made instantly.