Assign shift (Manager level)

Nov 04, 2019

Hawk HR enable managers to schedule future shifts and mark Week off/Working day for employees. Refer to the following steps to assign the shift:

  1. Navigate to: Main panel -> Attendance
  2. Click on the button of Shift card (given in the page navigation bar)
  3. A new page will open up showing the list of employees with their shift details
  4. Filter the employees by selecting options between Employees directly reporting to you or Employees under your reporting line and Shifts
  5. Mark the check box to Highlight cells if total time worked for a day for an employee is less or more than the selected time
  6. The list will get updated with the selected employees
  7. Select the employee and click on Assign shift button and choose the Effective date and select the Shift
  8. Click on Yes (to add the shift), No (if you do not wish to assign select assigned shift)
  9. Select the cells of the employees whose shift you want to change the
  10. Status: Select the Status (working, weekly off, swap (it flips the earlier state to opposite) )
  11. Click on Yes (to update status), No(if you do not wish to make the changes)

Notification of successful changing of shift will be shown.