Adding a form

Sep 26, 2019

Hawk HR enables admin to add a company form. Admin can design and customize different forms according to the need of the company. After adding of a form, you can publish it, after publishing it will be available to the employees.

Refer to the following steps to add a form:

  1. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Forms/Policies -> Form

  2. Click on +Add New (given in the navigation bar)

  3. A new page will open up showing fields to add new form

    1. Title: Enter the Title of the form

    2. Content: Enter the description of form in the Content

    3. Upload file: Choose the file to upload

    4. Mark the check box to Publish the form (unmark it, in case of not publishing it)

    5. Click on Save (to save the data), option of Reset is also available (to remove the filled data)

Your entry will appear instantly in list. To view the list of forms, click on All Forms. You can Publish/ Unpublish, Edit, Delete the entry by the help of options given under Actions option. You can perform Bulk action on the entries by marking their check boxes, and then selecting the action from the drop down of Actions button (on the top right corner of the list). The forms will be visible to employees (at Main Panel -> Forms, click on Forms Repository) after the the form is published.