Assigning an asset to an employee

Sep 26, 2019

Asset module helps admin to manage and keep track of the assets of the company. Assets are are assigned to the employees by the admin for a particular duration of time. It simplifies the process of managing the records of assigned/ returned assets by the help of different options available in the system.

Hawk HR enables admin to assign different assets to different employees. It also gives multiple options to manage the assets after assigning.

Refer to the following steps to assign asset too an employee:

  1. Navigate to: Control panel -> Assets
  2. Select the asset from the list or filter the list to get desired assets
  3. Click on the assign icon under Actions column
  4. Dialogue box will appear, enter the employee's name
  5. Enter the date on which the asset is issued on
  6. Enter the date of expected return
  7. Enter the comment (optional)
  8. Click on Assign button

The asset will be instantly assigned to the respective employee. You can request return of the asset by clicking on request return option under actions. You can also release the asset by clicking on the release option under action. You can also change the return date of an asset by clicking on the change return date option under action.