Employees getting absent without notifying the team, is a common issue that highly affects the performance of the team. Also it may occur that these absent days may hamper the leave policies of the company, so in order to tackle this problem, HawkHR enables admin to apply leaves in bulk for absent days.
Refer to the following steps to apply leave in bulk for absent:
Navigate to: Control panel -> Attendance
Click on drop down on Import button
Apply leaves: Select apply leaves
A new page will appear showing fields to be filled
Attendance period: Enter the Attendance period
Balance till date: Enter the Balance till date
Leave type: Select the Leave type, you can drag the leaves to change the priority of leave type
Leave status: Select the Leave status (approved or pending)
Apply leave: You can mark the option to Apply leave if the balance goes negative
You can also mark the option to Send notifications
Details: You can select the employees on the basis of Departments, Designations or Employee code
After selecting the employees, click on Apply for selected employees (given in the center of the page)
There is also an option of Reset (if you want to remove all the above filled details)
All the changes will be made instantly.